5 Ways To Unlock A Door Without A Key
How do you unlock a door without a key?
There are a few different techniques for unlocking a door without the key. We will describe the usual doors, low security, or sliding doors.
1. You can try to open the most basic doors, usually apartment-room ones, by sliding a credit card. Push the card between the frame and the lock and force it against the frame to create a tiny opening. With the right angle, push it harder to open the door; if there is not enough pushing power, you can use another card or a knife.
2. Remove the hinges: This process is easy if you have a screwdriver handy. Unscrew the top and bottom pins (or only one of them so that it will create enough space to pass).
3. Some handles have a little round hole. Insert something tiny, like a toothpick, and push it to open the door. That's the easiest way, but only some locks have that hole.
4. You can drill the lock, but remember there is no way back. Afterward, you will have to install a new one.
5. Try to pick the lock with a paper clip. Make an "L" shape from the clips. Insert 2 of them into the lock and move it to the sides.